
#3 Living in the grey area.

I've read many stories about how people came to realize they had some form of gluten intolerance and I found one common thread that really strikes me. Many people who have chosen the path of gluten avoidance have been tested for Celiac, IBS, IBD, Crohn's and so many other diseases that all have similar symptoms, and a really high percentage still do not know with certainty what the actual disease is that they are suffering from. I read that it can be years before someone knows what is really causing the problems.
With me, I got tested for Celiac after I was already avoiding gluten in my diet, therefor rendering the test moot. This is common apparently and to make matters even more confusing, sometimes the tests for Celiac come out negative even though the person has a gluten intolerance. The only other way to test for Celiac disease is to have a biopsy of the small intestine to see if there's damage. To me, that seems too invasive.

I've been suffering from digestive discomforts all my life and it's only now that I feel in control to a certain extent and even empowered. All I'm saying is that everyone has to take their own health history into account when researching what the problem might be. Doctors can only guess by symptoms, which change all the time. These diseases all have such similar symptoms that it makes it really difficult to diagnose. It would be great to know with certainty what the problem is and have a plan of action but for now I am managing my own health. I get a lot of flack for this but the improvement speaks for itself. The one thing I would love to have now is a nutritionist but with out a firm diagnosis, we are on our own to pay for such a luxury.

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